


In May, 2024, the Central Glass Group has established VISION 2030, a long-term vision targeting 2030.

VISION 2030 Become a Specialty Materials Company contributing to the realization of a sustainable society Numerical targets Operating profit 20 billion yen (Highest earnings on record) × ROE At least 10% Business strategies Expansion of specialty products ・Creation of new value ・Creation of a strong business model Strengthening of essential products ・Strengthening of earning capacity ・Creation of high added value Optimization of business portfolio Promotion of human capital management ・Promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion ・Increasing engagement ・Promotion of health and productivity management Response to environmental issues ・Initiatives for the reduction of GHG emissions ・Initiatives for the realization of a recycling-oriented society ・Initiatives for the reduction of environmental impact Promotion of utilization of digital technology ・Improvement of efficiency of operations ・Enhancement of management foundations ・Digital human resource development aimed at DX Strengthening of business foundations through ESG management

Our Business Strategies

Expansion of specialty products ・Creation of new value (R&D, innovative ideas) ・Creation of a strong business model Reference R&D expanses portfolio FY2024 Strengthening of essential products ・Strengthening of earning capacity ・Creation of high added value New value creation targets Semiconductors and power semiconductors Batteries Life sciences Lifestyle, environment and food Essential products Specialty products 3advantages Technological advantage Products using unique technology such as intellectual property Originality Products that have established a unique and powerful business model Sustainability Products contributing to social and environmental issues

Roadmap to the Operating Profit Target of 20 Billion Yen

We aim to reach 20 billion yen by doubling the operating profit of specialty products.

Operating Profit ・Specialty products ・Essential products Expansion of specialty products Target Specialty product groups Semiconductors and power semiconductors Etching gases, cleaning gases, SiC wafers, next-ganeration display materials, etc. Batteries Electrolytes, next-ganeration battery materials, etc. Life sciences Pharmaceutial products (inhalation anesthetics, etc.) Lifestyle, environment and food Low GWP materials, environmentally friendly coated fertilizers, PFAS-free materials, high value-added glass products, etc. Strengthening of essential products Essential products Strengthening of earning capacity and creation of high added value